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WebSites Don't Fail - WebMasters Do

Building a Website
is much like building a house,
except there are laws
to ensure the house is built right…

Let’s Get Started…

You buy a piece of land, you call out your Builder and this is what you say:
“I want you to dig footings for my foundation… in those footings I want you to place rebar… keep the rebar at least 3” away from any dirt… ”

NOOOOO… you don’t do that…

You say: “I want a two story house, with a Spanish facade… ”

So does that mean you don't get a foundation with footings with rebar 3” from the dirt?
Of Course Not…
The Builder automatically gives you that, because it’s the law…

And WHY is a foundation required?
Because houses CANNOT function properly without them!!!

Websites are the same way…

You say: “I want a good looking website that will display my products and get people to call me” and the Website Builder replies “What do you want it to look like? ”

Then together you build a beautiful website with no foundation…
It looks great , but does it function properly ?

A Website's Function…

Like a Home, a Website has an unseen function…

The function of a home is to separate you from the environment
providing you a safe place to sleep, eat and relax…

A home must be built to withstand anything Mother Nature, and people, can dish out in a particular area, at least to the point that you can be assured a certain amount of safety.

The function of a website is to bring you more business…

In your home, it’s not the pretty paint and furnishings that allow it to function;
it’s what is built behind the paint and furnishings that REALLY matter…

The same thing is true with websites…
It takes more than the look and feel of the web pages to bring you more business;
it’s what's behind the look and feel…

Understand however… look and feel IS important, in both your home and website…
When your home has lost its look and feel, you won’t sleep right, your food can be compromised, and it's less relaxing, which IS a hindrance of the function…

Same thing with your website…
the look and feel IS the REAL thing that makes people call…
it's getting people to see the website that is typically missing…

How to get People to See Your Website…

Let's talk about your store…

How do people find your store?

There are only 3 ways:
  1. They know where it is…
  2. They know about where it is and drive in circles hoping to see it…
  3. They see signs from the road that guide them to it…

The same thing happens with websites:
  1. They have the name of the website and they simply log on…
  2. They heard of it and plug the name in the Search Engines hoping to see it…
  3. They see signs from the Search Engines that guide them to it…

Here's the thing about that:
  1. If they already know about your store or website, you already have them…
  2. The odds of finding you by driving in circles, or plugging in the name, is extremely low…
  3. Signs cost money…

So what do you do if you want to get more Customers?

You have to buy the signs!!!

The Signs Leading to a Website…

On the Internet, there is only 1 place that strangers can see your signs…
that is in a Search Engines Results Page…

This leads to 2 questions:
  1. What is a Search Engine Results Page “Sign”?
  2. How do I get one posted?

The answer to the first question is easy…
Search Engines post “Titles”, “Descriptions” and “Links” on their Results page, to help their “Searchers” find whatever they believe the Searcher is looking for, based upon what the Searcher types into the Search Box…

The “Title” and “Description” comes from the “Meta-Data” that we can write into the website behind the look and feel… As a result, we could use the Title and Description as a sales tool to make our result stand out…

The words that we use in the Title and Description Meta Data are “key” to both the
Search Engine selecting the site and the Public clicking onto the site…
this creates an interesting dilemma that needs to be considered and reconsidered…
To get the public to click onto the site, words have to be chosen that entice the public…
to get the Search Engines to expose the site, the words need to be
what the Searchers are typing into the Search Box…

Initially, while our goal is to get the Search Engines to expose us,
I recommend using "keywords" in the Title and Description…
later after the site is well known by the Search Engines,
we need to remove the keywords and replace them with enticing statements…

Sooo, what are “Key-Words”?

There are 2 answers to that:
  1. Technically… Key-Words are the words that your website uses the most in its content…
  2. Productively… Key-Words are words that a good number of people will type into a search box to locate YOUR type of business…

The trick is to combine the productive with the technical…

Which leads us to question #2…
How do I get on the Search Engine Results Page?

That is where the work comes in…

The area behind the look and feel has to be built to welcome the Search Engines, as well as encourage them to come in and check out the webpages… This is the “foundation”…

Since Websites are built in the Internet, and the Search Engines are the roadways…
Websites HAVE TO be built in a location that the Search Engines can lead people to them…

The Foundation of a Website…

Meta-Data… The Proper Function of a Website begins with the Meta-Data… and the Structure of the Website has to be built on the Meta-Data…

What does that mean?

As we just discussed… The Title, Description, and Key-Words are very important in making a Search Engine show your website to people… There is more but, it all begins with the right Key-Words…

The very first thing a Webmaster SHOULD do before building your Website, is find out what people are typing into the search boxes to find businesses like yours…

Most likely, the reason I selected YOU as a potential Client, is because YOUR Webmaster failed to do just that…

He built your Website without a properly footed foundation in the internet…

As a result… no matter how good it’s working, it’s NOT working as good as it could be…

But that’s just the beginning…

After the keywords are properly placed… everywhere… Then the real magic can begin…

The Magic…
It takes 3 things to get people to call you from your Website:
  1. You have to be listed on the Search Engine Results Pages
  2. That Listing has to catch the eye of the Searcher
  3. The Website has to entice the Searcher to call


That is what it takes to get listed…



WebSites Don't Fail - WebMasters Do
Websites Are Data - Search Engines Process Data
Good Data In - Good Results Out